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Feb. 7 2025
Milk and its products offer us an extensive list of benefits
2.14 image
Feb. 14 2023
Valentine’s Day can look different for farmers, but we still have so much to appreciate
Dec. 5 2022
I have a completely renewed appreciation for dairy products and their benefits as a college student
Feb. 12 2021
February is one of my all-time favorite months of the year. Valentine’s Day is just around the corner
Jan. 27 2021
Anyone who knows me knows that I love Hallmark Channel movies. You know exactly how it’s going to end . . . happily ever after
Nov. 5 2020
I wrote this post on the eve of Election Day. I don't really want to talk about politics, and I'm not going to divulge who I plan to vote for. That is not the point
Oct. 30 2020
Newborn calves are an everyday occurrence on our family’s farm. Each one has its own unique pedigree, birth story, personality, and set of quirks
Feb. 13 2020
I get it; I really do. My husband and I are super frugal, and some actually might call us cheap, so the idea of spending extra money on flowers or candy just because the calendar tells us to is something...
Feb. 13 2019
Can I be real for a minute? Are milk prices really that bad? We’ve seen much lower prices and survived — anyone remember 2009?
Jan. 23 2019
As an industry, we have gotten fantastic at preaching to the choir, so to speak. We love to share dairy content online and through social media; however, a lot of the time, we as producers enjoy it as...
ACE 2017 em Tharp
May 30 2018
Any career that you find outside of agriculture can be found in the field of agriculture
Feb. 15 2018
It has been bitterly cold here in East Moline, Ill. As I write this blog, we are subzero with more than a foot of snow on the ground
Feb. 14 2017
My husband, Glen, and I will celebrate 15 years of marriage later this year. For 12 of those 15 years, we have been dairy farming together
July 15 2016
Good nutrition plays a key role in hoof health. Hoof issues are a concern for many dairy producers. They can limit feed intake, sacrifice milk production, and impair cow comfort. Along with a comprehensive...
June 27 2012
I really enjoy my Android phone. Besides the cost of the two-year contract, I acquired the technological marvel for zero cost
Aug. 23 2011
The romanticism of farmers and cowboys has been portrayed in movies and on television for decades. The strong jaw lines, those rugged looks, wholesome smile, yet a sweet spot in their hearts for their...
July 7 2010
Okay, so the title may sound like a bit of a second grade playground dare. But, we do want you to take this as a challenge. Dairy Management, Inc. (check-off organization) along with its social media guide...
Feb. 28 2025
Gravel roads embraced us as we drove home with our newest addition, Jasper
Feb. 14 2025
As our farm caught the flu bug, our team came together to get the chores done
Feb. 6 2025
Six more weeks of winter is not a welcome prediction for this dairy farmer